After a positive induction with my first baby, George, I was hopeful for another positive birth.

I came to Leanne’s Pregnancy Relaxation classes to give myself time to reflect on my previous birth and get me into a positive head space, ready for the birth of my second baby.

To read about George’s positive induction birth, click here.

A little background…

Around 35 weeks my blood pressure started spiking intermittently and was generally causing concern with my doctors. This had occurred in my first pregnancy 3.5 years previous, at around the same time.

I had been aware for a good few months, even before the blood pressure issues, that I was assuming that I would have the exact same perfect birth again. This concerned me because the rationalist in me knew that no two births are the same.

This apprehension made me decide to attend pregnancy and birth relaxation classes with Leanne. Taking my experience with me and trying to think about preparing for a non-induced birth.

As my blood pressure started to fluctuate, I just knew I’d be induced and I felt happy. Again, I would have some small level of control about what was going to happen.

With Amelia, they didn’t want to induce me until 39 weeks rather than at 38 weeks in my first pregnancy. The guidance on blood pressure related inductions having changed. So I was booked in, this time going in at 1.30pm.

Early Induction Success

The consultant had also advised having 3 sweeps in the week or so before the induction date. These were just uncomfortable really, but the 3rd sweep had set off the beginnings of early labour. So when they hooked me up to the machine they could see small contractions happening irregularly.

They decided to see if nature would take its course and leave it a few hours. A few hours later, everything had totally died down and I was asked if I wanted to go ahead with the induction pessary. With the being the second baby, they use a hormone gel.

Nothing happened for hours, but having completed the 100th or so loop of the hospital and struggling with the ridiculous heat I started to feel really odd and knew that something was beginning.

I sent my husband off to the shop for some much needed ice to keep me cool. I returned to the ward to lay down.

Within a few hours I was regularly contracting but they were still quite spaced out. The contractions drew close together far more quickly than the midwives had anticipated. It seems it takes a long while for my cervix to start opening but once it starts it does it super quick.

Having not experienced this part of labour before and with the intensity and speed of the contractions I was adamant that as soon as I was down in labour ward I wanted an epidural again so I could have a second calm birth. Amelia had other ideas!

The exact nudge my body needed

I was told I was too far dilated for an epidural, the baby would be here before they would be able to do it. After an intense 45 minutes Amelia was born. When they announced the time as 11:28pm I was so shocked that it was still the same day. This was so much faster than my first birth.

I was convinced I would have torn, but was relieved that hadn’t happened either.

Although this birth was the polar opposite to George’s birth, my body just knew what it was doing. I have no recollection of pushing; my body just did what it needed to do. It was absolutely amazing!

Two inductions, two incredible and different births, both incredibly positive.

To find dates for future Pregnancy Relaxation classes, please visit our facebook page

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