A birth plan is the best way for you to share your hopes and desires with your caregiving team and birth partner. Despite this, so many people are resistant to writing them….because birth rarely goes to plan. Things rarely happen
Pregnancy & Postnatal Classes & Support in a Pandemic
Monthly Update – February 2021 Pandemic Pregnancy – what do I do and who do I look to for support? Hello everyone Nobody planned on a pandemic pregnancy. For those of you looking for some additional support during your pregnancy
Natural Induction
Natural induction Almost 30% (source NHS Digital) of all births are medically induced and when medically necessary can be life saving. 70% of these inductions are due to baby being overdue. Evidence shows medical induction can increase the need for
How to be the Best Birth Partner
Being asked to support someone at their birth is a great honour, sharing that unique and intimate moment together. Often, this role automatically goes to the other parent, but this privilege can also be extended to close friends or relatives.
You Can’t Fail at Hypnobirthing
When you meet someone for the first time, there are usually some standard questions and topics people chat about and “What job do you do?”, seems to be one of those questions. There are some jobs that automatically evoke a